Sunday, October 14, 2018

Friend Ship


To break, or mend,
are ways to touch a heart.
To hold...
is what The Wise call art.

They speak of Space that resonates when spoken to.
He binds together,
 me and you.

And when it does,
It takes us both with such a force;
Our word,
our breath,
a tidal wave that runs its course.

In war,
a comrade.

In love,
to procreate.

On Sea,
the Ship that makes the Journey,
in spite of winds and fate.

Monday, May 21, 2018

The Soulful interview

- Will you be good? 
- No. I've been "good" for long enough, feeling afraid of being unaccepted.
- So, will you be bad?
- No. I've been "bad" for too long, afraid of appearing weak.
- What then?
- I will be truthful. Feeling content with it all.
- You are hired. You can start from now.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

At peace

I was a seeker of Peace,
condemning all violence.
But time, after time, I suffered in silence.

All that was darkness, I tried to avoid.
But he was attracted to me like Space to the Void.

And then came the day I grew tired of searching.
I stopped in my tracks, and started observing.

Come, Mr Anger.
Sit down, Ms Shame.
  He felt endangered,
She suffered of blame.

We cried all together,
We healed and embraced.
For together is better,
And together we stayed.

Monday, January 29, 2018

The riddle

While outside the Ancient Temple, the curious boy was peeking through the open door and asked himself: ''I wonder how many candles do I need to light up so that I might see in that darkness?"

There's only one you need to light,
Said a passing gust of wind;
There's only one you need to find,
For all the rest will keep you blind.

Thursday, January 11, 2018


You are Love,
But Love knows not.
Love has forgotten itself.

In the mother that holds her child,
Love tries to remember herself,
We call it care.

In a father beating his child,
Love tries desperately to remember,
We call it violence.

In the jealous lover bounding himself to his beloved by tears of fear,
Love forgets itself,
We call it attachment.

When Love remembers,
It embraces everything by letting go
We call it freedom.

Love, then, blows with the wind
And shines in the Sun
It gives itself up,
And receives herself, totally.
Love knows no boundaries when she remembers.

The Love that comes out of a comma,
The parable of the prodigal Son.
