Sunday, February 24, 2019

Letter to the One

Forgive me Father, 
For I have seen

There's no one to be forgiven
There is no sin.
Guilt exits only in the human heart,
Forgiving is the other part.

I hate you now so that I may forgive you,
I forgive you so that I may hate you,

Is this the game I want to play?

The hateful to the left,
to the right, all that are kind.
fuck, no.

I shall find my own way to you.

Friday, January 25, 2019

The future has already happened

At last, and all of a sudden we knew.
The masks have fallen.
All of them.

No need to kill the weak.
The weak are strong.
No need to blame the strong.
The strong were never wrong.

People of all color, embrace.
They carry different animals in their arms.
They greet and smile to one another.
What a joke to take things seriously.
Seriously, now, really.


Now, back to your roles.
The times is not yet.